The staff always enjoy the month of June. Visitors at this time of year are usually made up of families with pre-school children or senior citizens and almost all of them arrive in good humour.
Visitor numbers are modest but are enough to make operating the trains worthwhile. This allows staff and volunteers the time to do the jobs that get put to one side when the railway is operating at full tilt. One example of one of these little jobs was the installation of a point lever to a set of points leading to the carriage shed. Another job by the engineer was to fix two of the Cafes coffee machines. This looks like a minor job and doesn't effect train operations but it is vital for the catering departments profitability (so far the station Cafes turnover is up 36% on the previous year).
As there are only four train departures per day Kevin is able to carry out light trackwork maintainance in between the trains, today greasing the fishplates (the bars that join the rails together, yet allow movement when the temperature cause the rails to expand). Work to Russell's bodywork continues in preparation for its new coat of paint.
Visitor numbers are modest but are enough to make operating the trains worthwhile. This allows staff and volunteers the time to do the jobs that get put to one side when the railway is operating at full tilt. One example of one of these little jobs was the installation of a point lever to a set of points leading to the carriage shed. Another job by the engineer was to fix two of the Cafes coffee machines. This looks like a minor job and doesn't effect train operations but it is vital for the catering departments profitability (so far the station Cafes turnover is up 36% on the previous year).
As there are only four train departures per day Kevin is able to carry out light trackwork maintainance in between the trains, today greasing the fishplates (the bars that join the rails together, yet allow movement when the temperature cause the rails to expand). Work to Russell's bodywork continues in preparation for its new coat of paint.
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